Notice: No trace amounts of soy in our eggs anymore!


and why you can support it with confidence...

Pasture-raised Broilers

+ Our Cornish-cross broilers arrive on our farm as 2-day old chicks from our local hatchery. For 3 weeks they live under their warm heat lamps in our open brooders that can let in sun on warm days, and allow several square feet of space per bird. Brooders are cleaned and prepped between each batch.

+ Once they have their adult feathers, they're capable to survive without heat lamps, and are moved into an 900 sq. ft. prairie schooner (allowing up to 2 sq. ft. per bird) which we pull to a new area of fresh pasture daily so chickens can move away from their droppings and eat fresh grass and bugs.

+ Our broilers are supplemented with GMO-free feed that is milled on our farm less than 24 hours before. It consists of non-GMO: wheat, peas, corn, roasted soybeans, camelina meal and fishmeal (protein), alfalfa, and other enzymes and minerals like aragonite, lysine, and laczyme.

+ Our broilers only have 1 bad day. They’re processed on our farm in our WSDA licensed processing facility in batches of 20 so that we can ensure each chicken is processed in the most humane, quick and painless way.

Pasture-raised | GMO-free | Antibiotic-free

100% Grassfed BEEF

+ In the spring we have local Black Angus steers (around 1 year old) delivered to our farm from a ranch in Oregon City, OR. (They were raised on open pastures by grass-fed mama cows.)

+ The steers have access to our lush pastures where they’re contained with an electric fence and are moved away from their droppings and into a new paddock 2x a week.

+ In October, our steers are processed at our local USDA facility.

+ They're 100% grass-fed and grass finished and are 100% antibiotic-free.

100% Grass-fed | Antibiotic-free

Pasture-raised Laying Hens

+Once every other year, 500 hundred laying hens arrive on our farm as 2-day old chicks from our local hatchery.

+ The chicks are raised in open brooders for 4-5 months until they start laying eggs.  After they’re a few weeks old, the pullets begin training on an electric fence and are given access to a yard that connects to their brooder.

+ During the warm, dry months, our laying hens are moved out to pasture in 1/4 acre paddocks every 2 weeks that are electric-fenced to keep them in, and four-legged predators out. They have a mobile hoop house they can roost in at night, and access to sun or shade, and fresh grass and bugs to eat. 

+ During the cold, wet months, our chickens are moved into our 30x100' hen house that allows them to stay warm and healthy until our pasture is ready for them again. We lay fresh pine shavings as bedding, and allow fresh air and sunshine in their area.

+ Our laying hens are supplemented with fresh, GMO-free and soy-free feed that was custom milled on our farm less than 24 hours before.

Pasture-raised | Winter-housed | GMO-free | Soy-free | Antibiotic-free

Forest-raised Pork

+ In early March, we buy local weaned piglets from small farms.

+ Our piglets are kept in a covered piglet house with straw to keep warm in and a single strand of electric fence along the edge of one side of their area to train them on. As they grow, additional bedding (wood chips) is spread in their area to keep them clean and healthy.

+ When they're big and strong enough to thrive in our woods, they're moved into a giant fenced paddock in our forest 1-2x a month. That's where our pigs really get to be pigs and use their incredible snouts that are meant to DIG.

+Our pigs spend their days rooting around looking for foliage, roots and grubs to consume. They're allowed to roam freely, sleep in the shade, make their own mud pit for hot summer days, and keep our forest floor clean and managed. This makes for stress-free, and the most incredibly flavorful and nutritious pork ever.

+They're supplemented with fresh, GMO-free feed that was custom milled on our farm less than 24 hours before.

Pasture-raised | GMO-free | Antibiotic-free

Grass-fed Lamb

+ In March the lambs are born to our farm's flock of hairsheep. All ram lambs are humanely banded at 3 days old. They stay with and nurse on their mamas until they're naturally weaned.

+ All summer the sheep flock grazes on our pasture. They are moved across our pasture to a new paddock every 1-2 days depending on the time of the year. They primarily eat grass/legumes, and alfalfa, (and hay during the non-growing season and wintertime.) They are supplemented with minerals and a small quantity of a homemade blend of wheat and molasses daily. They spend their days grazing, laying in the shade, chewing their cud and snoozing.

+ In November, when the lambs are big and grown, they are processed at our local USDA facility.

Pasture-raised | GMO-free | Soy-free | Antibiotic-free