Notice: No trace amounts of soy in our eggs anymore!

Meet our family!

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We’re the Sturtevants, owners of Botany Bay Farm in beautiful Brush Prairie,  WA. Thank you for your interest in our farm and our products!

Our farm was established in early 2011 when the fourteen of us moved from our quarter acre lot in the city to this new and wonderful way of life in the country.  We were enticed to make such a big life change after we were introduced to a farmer named Joel Salatin of Swope, VA who greatly impressed us with the elegant way in which he farms, using rotational grazing practices to produce healthy, contented animals, nourishing food and fertile, sustainable land.  As we read more and more about these holistic family-friendly farming methods, the more excited we became to implement these practices ourselves.  So, convinced that this was the type of life we wanted to pursue for our own family, and praying the Lord would guide our steps, we embarked on this new journey.  

Here we are now on 34 acres, so gratefully living out our dream. What a joy it is to eat the fruit of our labors and to be able to offer our extra bounty to others who are seeking healthy, nourishing, homegrown food.  Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to visit our farm.  We look forward to hearing from you!